Estos son algunos diseños interesantes o distintos de lo que normalmente vemos

- bocinas de carton
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Connects with anything You can connect the speakers to any audio-device in your home/office, this can be computers, stereos, televisions, walkmans or portable mp3-players. Wireless Your music is transmitted to the speakers by wireless broadcasting, so you can take the music with you cooking in the kitchen or dancing on the terrace. Charging tripod Leave the speakers on their tripods when you are not on the move and they will recharge their batteries for another day of music, also while playing.
The speakers are made of a resin-reinforced chalk. They have a very delicate rich tactile impression, and give you a sensation of natural fragility, much like a plant in you living room. The legs are in silk coated steel.
Ø: 200 mm
Height: 142 mm
Wireless Speakers was designed in March 2004. - Calendario Bansi???
- bocinas en forma de perro
- bocinas en forma de conos
- en estas bocinas controlas los agudos y graves subiendo o bajando de posición las bocinas.
audiojunkies blog is featuring a collection of the sexiest speakers. some of the featured designs include the 'avant garde acoustic trio classico' a minimal speaker using bell horns. also featured is the 'proclaim dmt-100' speakers that uses an articulated frame attached to three globe like speakers and the 'duevel planets' speaker that bounces sound around in a number of bright colours.
- En teoría la calidad del sonido es mejor al ser proyectada hacia arriba.
- bocinas en forma de perros
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