Bolia Design Award 2008
New Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian design is world famous for the simplicity, good function, natural raw materials and good craftsmanship, and the Danish furniture traditions are strong and highly respected.
However, the strong promotion of the traditional Scandinavian furniture classics can tend to prohibit the introduction of new talented designers and the general development of New Scandinavian Design.
At the same time, is Scandinavian design furniture most often fairly expensive and thereby only within reach for the few.
By initiating the Bolia Design Awards and awarding design innovation based on the Scandinavian furniture traditions combined with the aim to reach affordable prices, we wish to support new talented designers and thereby the development of the New Scandinavian Design.
The Bolia Design Awards is open for any corporate or private designer, who has a passion for furniture and a desire to be a part of the development of New Scandinavian Design.

The theme: New Scandinavian Design
The objective is to design a piece of furniture for living-, dining or bedroom. It must be a single product, i.e. a sofa, a swivel chair, a dining- or coffee table, a dining chair or a bed.
The design must complement and strengthen the Bolia Range of Bolia which is recognised by:
The Bolia Design Awards:
Bolia will award the 2 best designs, as well as give the possibility for the designers to join the Bolia Design Team, on a free lance basis.
Bolia also give the opportunity for the awarded designs to be produced and sold in all stores, and internationally promoted through Bolia the catalogue, web site and PR measures.
Bolia Design Awards 2008
1. Prize 60.000 dkr.
2. Prize 40.000 dkr.
Entry practicalities:
Each price is awarded to 1 work and 1 person.
The design must be submitted with a product name and an easily understandable description of its concept.
On one A3 size page (landscape), the work title/work description/overall drawing (rendering) or 3-plane diagram (face/surface/profile. If necessary a further 2 sheets of A3 size page can be used for the overall drawing/3-plane diagram.
Name/address/telephone number must be stated on each sheet.
To participate please submit your design latest December 31th, 2007 to:
Værkmestergade 9-11
8000 Århus C
A committee of Halskov & Dalsgaard Design, Industrial Designer, Karl Rüdiger, Head of design of Bolia, Michael Ingwardo, Range Manager of Bolia will evaluate and examine all suggestions by February 29 th, 2008
The price ceremony will be held in Copenhagen, beginning of Marts.

Additional entry notes:
OBS! No entered works will be returned.
For all entered works Bolia International A/S will hold the optional rights to start a production of the design.
For priced designs Bolia International A/S holds this optional right for a period of 12 month after evaluation unless something else has been agreed.
For not priced design Bolia International A/S holds this optional right for a period of 6 month after evaluation unless something else has been agreed.
If the design will be put in production, a separate contract between the designer and Bolia International A/S will have to be made within these periods.
Entries may not be entered in other competitions in addition to the Bolia Design Award. Moreover, entries may not be subsequently released elsewhere without the consent of Bolia International A/S.
Entries must be the original works of entrants and must not have previously been released in Europe or overseas.
When entering the competition, entrants should take any measures necessary to protect their own rights.
Works entered in this competition may be released for publicity and public relations purpose in connection with this competition.
Entry form (required):
Download and then print entry form, fill in all the fields.
Conditions of agreement are written on the entry form so these should be read, noted and then signed.
Your entry submission must be in Danish or English.
Possible questions regarding the Bolia Design Awards can be sent to

Very best regards and the best of luck
Bolia International A/S
DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM /uploads/BoliaDesignAward.Entryform.2008.doc
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