La compañía Henkel lanza un concurso de inventos. Se buscan patentes o ideas que generen mayores ingresos a la empresa.
El plazo es hasta diciembre, las condiciones están en Inglés pero os adelanto que vuestras ideas deben estar relacionadas con alguno de estos sectores:
- Artículos del hogar (detergentes, lavavajillas, limpiacristales, ambientadores, etc.)
- Cosmética (tintes, dentríficos, perfumes, etc.)
- Adhesivos (resistentes al agua, packaging, lubricantes, etc.)
Seeking Inventors for the “Henkel Innovation Trophy - Partners in Innovation"

Do you have a granted patent or a published patent application, or a registered and published utility model or design? – If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you are eligible to participate in the Henkel Innovation Trophy - Partners in Innovation. For the second time, we are looking for ideas for products, processes and designs that relate to our three business areas. If you have invented something that fits our criteria, we would like to know more about it! So please take part in our inventors’ competition and submit your ideas to us. We will be accepting submissions from independent inventors from April 16 through December, 30 2007. A panel of judges will evaluate the submitted ideas and the finalist will be awarded the Henkel Innovation Trophy. In addition, the top submission will be reviewed by Henkel to evaluate future business opportunities.
Today, Henkel earns every fourth euro from products launched over the past three years. In the future, Henkel would like to be generating 30% of its sales through new product introductions and establish itself as the “Innovation Leader” in its global markets. Henkel believes that great ideas can come from anywhere. We have a strong track record of working with innovators and suppliers outside our company. We have been successfully collaborating with research institutes, universities and other companies. Now, with the implementation of the Henkel Innovation Trophy - Partners in Innovation contest, Henkel invites independent inventors worldwide to submit patented ideas or inventions for review.
What are we looking for?
We are searching for published patent applications or patents that have been granted for products and processes, and for registered utility models and designs. Your ideas and inventions must fit within our three business sectors:
- Laundry & Home Care
- Cosmetics/Toiletries
- Adhesives Technologies
A more detailed description of the individual business sectors can be found here.
The best idea will be awarded by the Henkel Innovation Trophy. The winner will be selected by an international jury comprised of representatives from worldwide inventors associations and Henkel.
Our partners
The Henkel Innovation Trophy - Partners in Innovation is carried out in cooperation with a number of national and international inventor associations. In the U.S., we are working with the United Inventor Association (UIA). In Germany, we maintain close contact with Deutscher Erfinderverband (DEV), the German inventors association, which will be happy to answer any questions from inventors based in Germany.
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